steve antosca
my end is my beginning
National Gallery of Art
East Building Auditorium
September 29, 2013
steve antosca ≈ composer & conceptual design
william brent ≈ computer musician
noah getz ≈ saxophones
ross karre ≈ percussion
jenny lin ≈ piano
jacqueline pollauff ≈ harp
Commissioned by Chamber Music America, my end is my beginning was composed for the Pictures on Silence duo of Noah Getz, saxophone, and Jacqueline Pollauf, harp, with National Gallery of Art New Music Ensemble artists Ross Karre, percussion, and Jenny Lin, piano, and computer music specialist William Brent who created and managed the technology for the piece.
This project was a collaboration among composer and performers who have been selected for their exceptional ability and willingness to perform demanding contemporary music, and to seamlessly integrate with imaginative and innovative technology. As composer, I have worked with these musicians on several projects, however, not with this arrangement of personnel. This arrangement provided a unique opportunity to expand the range of performances, timbres and techniques that I wished to explore.
Computer music specialist Brent created custom-designed “Gesturally Extended Piano” (GEP) software which is used to track movement of the percussionist’s forearms and hands to control real-time processing and synthesis.
my end is my beginning is a sequel to the successful in every way I remember you, a work I composed for saxophonist Noah Getz in 2011 for the 70th Anniversary of the National Gallery of Art West Building. in every way dealt with the elements of journey and transformation, with the aid of pre- and real-time computer processing and spatialization.
my end is my beginning follows a layered structural framework which allows for the generation of overlapping patterns, both rhythmic and pitch cells, whose function is to connect instrument pairs of similar and contrasting characteristics. Examples of pairings are muted piano strings and harp, marimba and muted piano, and GEP tracking of the marimba and harp. This structural and cellular mapping generates a flowing textural thread providing continuity and movement throughout the piece.​​
my end is my beginning was commissioned by Pictures on Silence. This commission has been made possible by the Chamber Music America Classical Commissioning Program, with generous funding provided by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, and the Chamber Music America Endowment Fund.

National Gallery of Art New Music Ensemble
William Brent – computer musician Noah Getz – saxophones
Laurie Hudicek – piano Ross Karre – percussion
Jacqueline Pollauf – harp
National Gallery of Art East Building Auditorium
Washington, DC
September 29, 2013